Archives For moments

Nelson Kootenay Lake

Earlier this week I returned from a 3800km cross-Canada road trip. I’d moved to Calgary back in late January but had decided to fetch my stuff in Montreal during the summer. To make it a little bit more interesting (and cheaper), I chose to Uhaul it back DIY-style.


And it was indeed an interesting drive. I figured I’d capture some of that interestingness by snapping photos through the windshield at random intervals along the way.

When I look at the pics in my photo library, they seem kinda boring. But dropping them into an animated gif seems to show off the charm and mix of Canada’s beautiful landscape.



Road Stories: Montreal

January 27, 2015 — Leave a comment

Here’s an old clip I recently dug up. It’s of my appearance on CBC’s The National with Peter Mansbridge on December 15, 2004. I’d submitted a story idea for their popular Road Stories series and – surprise! – they jumped on it. Despite my obvious nervousness in the setup with Mansbridge, I really like how the piece presented Montreal at that time and how it positioned Maisonneuve as a champion of that cultural shift in the city from old political doldrums to young creative vibrancy.

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Pic or It Didn’t Happen

September 13, 2014 — 1 Comment

A couple weeks ago I caught the Fujiya & Miyagi show at La Vitrola. Four or five years ago I licensed a couple of their tracks for background on the overview videos for Cinemin Swivel and Slice, (just a warm-up for their “Uh” appearance soon after in Breaking Bad) and have loosely kept in touch since. Great musicians, great guys! I chatted with David and Matt after the show and, despite being a fan, I left without asking for a group photo. Partly I forgot, but partly I’m just not into the starstruck fan thing. But a memento would have been nice – oh well.

Likewise, a few weeks ago I hosted a casual patio happy hour with some old colleagues from my time several years ago at Airborne Entertainment/Mobile (loved that team!). It was a smaller group than years past but it was nonetheless a nice visit. Alas, none of us remembered to take a picture.

Then yesterday at Montreal ComicCon I was within a few metres of Hulk Hogan. I’m not really a fan, and they were discouraging renegade snapshots, but I suppose I should have captured proof of my proximity. Right? That’s the internet thing to do, yeah?

Anyways, these “incidents” reminded me of how bad I can be at the whole “pic or it didn’t happen” game.

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