Archives For General

A general category for posts of no particular theme.

This is post was originally published in Fall 2011 on the now-defunct Warms blog. Tis the season, and it fits the theme since popularized in viral holiday videos by WestJet, UPS, and others.


In 2004 Ikea amused and impressed Swedish train commuters by handing out free pillows during the morning rush hour. Each pillow said “Better Sleep for everyone” and of course indirectly linked Ikea to beds and good sleep.

In 2007, as part of the largest US campaign ever for Maxwell House, Kraft Foods included a clever gift element along with its sampling program. They took over tollbooths nationwide from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and in addition to handing out millions of coffee samples they also picked up the toll tab for motorists.

In 2010 popchips launched its brand of healthier snack chips using a combination of influencer seeding and gifting to friends via social shareability. Over 2000 personalized popchips gifts were sent out and the brand has risen in profile ever since. (↬Flowtown)

In 2011, Kimberly-Clark’s Kleenex brand sent over one million tissues mini-boxes as part of its “Softness Worth Sharing” campaign introducing a new softer version of the tissue. The program let people send samples to friends and family via It lifted market share at least 1.7 points (↬Flowtown).

And recently, Canadian retailer Shoppers Drug Mart has been randomly handing out to customers free surprise gift cards worth $10, $25, $50 or even $100 off a subsequent purchase. This approach employs a technique called a lagniappe – a small gift added by the merchant, in the same way a baker might throw in a 13th donut with the dozen.

Gift marketing is a concerted way for brands to make a positive impression by unexpectedly delivering something of substance or value to either a key prospect or a valued longtime customer.

Gift marketing is a combination of branding, advertising, promotion, PR, social engagement, product sampling, and customer service. It’s old in the sense that companies have long sent preferred clients calendars, holiday baskets, and perhaps some bonus reward points, but it’s new in that these activities are becoming more planned, more creative, more finely targeted and better measured (ROI), and larger in scale.

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Passenger Airplane Container System [US Patent 64944404]

Tomorrow is US Thanksgiving, which is of course a major travel period for Americans. My news stream inevitably fills up with travel stories and, with a snow storm invading the northeast, of non-travel travel stories too.

One story that popped up is this one: Passengers Boarding Planes: We’re Doing It Wrong. If it sounds familiar, it is. It’s a story that’s been recycled numerous times, bemoaning the sorry disarray of aircraft boarding at airports. All those operations people in aviation and still no improvement – despite things like the smart Steffen Method – in how to efficiently and calmly board a couple hundred people in a tin can; something done thousands of times each day.

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A Tale of Two Conferences

November 15, 2014 — 1 Comment

Last week I attended two very different conferences. Earlier in the week I was in Vancouver for the APCO Canada conference for public safety communicators. And later in the week (and weekend) I was in Austin for the AIN applied improvisation conference. RallyEngine had a tradeshow booth and a small speaking slot at the former and I had no idea what to expect at the latter; a wildcard.

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Improvisation is the technology for the 21st century.

Adam Blatner at #AINAustin

Blogging Redux

January 3, 2014 — Leave a comment


I started blogging early – April 2002 with the original incarnation of Creative Generalist – and also petered out a bit earlier than others who got into blogging later on. Blogging then was great, both for fleshing out ideas and for meeting interesting people, but the “feeding the beast” part became more difficult as other work and life commitments got busier.

Lately, I’ve wanted to restart but was unsure whether it should still be under the CG banner, which is no longer really a personal blog anymore. Opting instead for something more casual, non-committal, and personal, I’ve expanded this little corner of the internet for my random reflections.

For pithy thoughts and links, I’ll continue to use Twitter. For semi-private stuff I’ll use Facebook (or real conversation). But for longer form essays, ideas, galleries, or whatever else, I’ll post here. I have some thoughts on life and some ambitions for projects; this will be where I share those things and test for echo.