Archives For Canada

It’s not everyday that one gets to do an official ceremonial signing at a consulate overseas. Earlier today I was representing RallyEngine at the Canadian High Commission in Bandar Seri Begawan doing just that. Here I am with the High Commissioner, trade commissioners, representatives from Darussalam Enterprise, and the team from RallyEngine’s new partner in Brunei Darussalam, Nuara Group.

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Alberta Hyerloop

Not only does “Alberta need a transportation solution,” for all of the reasons John Stewart pointed out in his excellent editorial (Red Deer Advocate – December 29, 2015), it also needs an energy solution (apply its O&G expertise more broadly), an economy solution (put its skilled people back to work), and a reputation solution (be seen as a real innovator).

So here’s an idea – maybe a bit out there but certainly less dumb than thinking adding highway lanes is a fix or hoping politicians will finally embrace the price tag and time horizon of high-speed rail.

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The Politics of Summer

August 8, 2015 — 1 Comment

Like many, I didn’t watch the August 6th Macleans leaders debate – because, you now, summer. But I did catch some of the followup coverage. It made me wish that there was a fifth candidate onstage and that this would be her/his opening statement…

Good evening.

I have a question to ask all the people not watching this debate at home: What kind of monster starts an election campaign on an early August long weekend?

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Earlier this week I returned from a 3800km cross-Canada road trip. I’d moved to Calgary back in late January but had decided to fetch my stuff in Montreal during the summer. To make it a little bit more interesting (and cheaper), I chose to Uhaul it back DIY-style.


And it was indeed an interesting drive. I figured I’d capture some of that interestingness by snapping photos through the windshield at random intervals along the way.

When I look at the pics in my photo library, they seem kinda boring. But dropping them into an animated gif seems to show off the charm and mix of Canada’s beautiful landscape.
