Archives For ThreeHouse



So here’s an idea I’ve been pondering for a long time, at least since college. I’ve called it my stretch venture; the kind of project that I’d begin to seriously pursue in the second half of my life when I am wiser, wealthier, and better connected. Because it’s the sort of idea that would indeed be an ambitious undertaking requiring lots of smarts, money, and people from a wide range of disciplines.

I’m tentatively calling this idea ThreeHouse.

  • ThreeHouse is a place – a unique physical multi-functional residential facility.
  • ThreeHouse is a confluence – a deliberate intersection for human and humane interactions.
  • ThreeHouse is an improvement – a redefining of at least three unnecessarily silo’d industries.

So what exactly is it? Well, ThreeHouse is one-part seniors home, one-part daycare/kindergarten, and one-part animal shelter. It’s a specially-designed building and yard that mixes elders, young children, and animals together in a way that improves the well-being and life enjoyment of all three groups.

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